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MLAB brick system

The MLAB Project was created to develop a universal kit to support hobbyists and professionals in the construction of simple or more complicated devices and instruments (robots, automation systems, testing kits, and so on). It is primarily intended for engineers and scientists and it is still in development since 2003.

This wiki is the only complement to primary MLAB website where are technical documents published.


The principle of MLAB is based on the decomposition of complex systems to smaller cells or bricks (in MLAB called modules) such as communication interfaces, operational amplifiers, CPU modules, programmers, and much more. Over years of development, tenths of modules have been created - for simplicity, they are ordered in list of modules.

 Sorware defined receiver example construction  I²C - USB adapter testing construction

When creating modules, great emphasis is placed on the quality of construction. The results can, therefore, meet the standards of even the most demanding users from the community of researchers, experimenters, and innovators

How to start

The page Guide for beginners has been created to help beginners.

Other guides can be found on page Guides.

There is a Mailing list and TODO list available for developers.


Due to its elegance and robustness, the MLAB is popular among the still-growing number of users.


Thanks to careful design, most of the modules are dimensionally and electrically compatible with many other products. The examples include Arduino platform, Merkur construction set, optical tables, and DIN switchboard systems.

For more information visit page MLAB Compatibilty


The possible applications are quite wide, see the list of Designs or list of Projects.

start.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:18 by roman · Currently locked by: