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Automatic balloon launcher ABL01A

The whole system should serve as a complement to radio meteor detector network, and possibly to its visual alternative (video observation 1) and bolide camera).

The purpose of the device is to refine the accuracy of a dark trajectory estimate of a meteor through introducing corrections to the flow of air masses during the meteor's flight in the atmosphere. As a consequence the elliptical impact area of the meteor on Earth's surface should reduce.

Data on atmospheric currents will be acquired by a weather balloon deflated immediately after the detection of a bolide flyby through the atmosphere. The balloon launch site should be chosen automatically based on the meteor trajectory estimate and known coordinates of the balloon silos in the network.

An important part of the system is the fully robotized discharged station (balloon silo), enabling the discharge of balloon from known coordinates without human intervention. A by-product of such development will be a device capable of future automation of classical meteorological radiosonde discharge.

Ground discharge box

The ground balloon network station would consist of compact box containing technology needed to discharge the balloon sonde. The device must be able to withstand (in order of several years) the standby mode and wait for the command to release the sonde.

Technical requirements

Most of the electronics is composed of MLAB brick system modules.

Communication with the network of stations

At the same time, an equipment for telemetry reception of signal from other discharged radiosondae 2) from other stations is necessary.

STM32F10xRxT01A module meets the aforementioned requirements.

Power supply

  • local (stand-alone) - photovoltaic panel
  • mains supply (AC adapter + UPS)

Fault diagnostics

  • Successful start control (balloon lift measurement)
  • Temperature, gas filling pressure, medium flow into the balloon measurement
  • Moisture inside the box measurement (in the case of leakage and loss of waterproofness through lid puncture , etc.)

Meteorological data

  • The basic meteorological variables (temperature, pressure, wind speed) necessary to evaluate the possibility of start would be acquired from the nearest meteorological node or local AWS01B station
  • Local GPS (station position and accurate time) → start log. GPS01A

Mechanical construction

The ground discharge box is constructed to be able to run under various weather conditions. It has a shape of triangular prism with one side standing on a raised platform and the other two covered with photovoltaic cells supplying energy to the electronics. After the discharge, they can be used to check the correct slide-down of the roof panels. The monitoring of the supplied power during the day also enables to check for the occurrence of solid obstacles in the vicinity of the station.

The material used for construction is welded polyethylene, making the station waterproof and resistant to dirt entry, that could damage the balloon.

  • A construction designed to enable the discharge of present-day professional weather balloons.
  • Activation of mechanical components by burning the plastic fiber
  • Sealing of the balloon by melting the its neck (after filling the balloon)
  • The roof panels held flexibly by a stretchable strap, ensuring the sealing of the roof ridge.


Most of the actuators should be designed with an emphasis on maximal reliability. Therefore, they would probably be springs with burnable plastic fuses (silicon fiber or ribbon burned by a powerful resistor).NFET4X01B module can be used To switch the current to resistors.


Helium management in the box must be designed to prevent the loss of helium by diffusion through porous materials like plastics or rubber. The main inlet valve must therefore be made of metal and ideally placed directly on the neck of the bottle.

An interesting idea would be to make use of bernoulli efect, when a low-pressure gas, like chemically produced hydrogen, would be sucked inside by a flow of the compressed helium, similar to inflation of this air pad.

Carrier gas

In the case of our functional prototype, we have experimented with compressed helium as a source gas for the balloon filling. Preferred option, in this case is the use of disposable cartridges with compressed helium. Such packed helium is however quite expensive (700 Kč/0,1m³) and hydrogen is probably not available in this form.

An interesting solution seems to involve a chemical reaction to produce hydrogen directly in the discharge box. Discovered in 2007, a reaction of gallium and aluminum alloy with water produces hydrogen without an extensive heat production 3).

The course of the reaction is demonstrated in this video. You can purchase the necessary metals here:

It would be then sufficient to dry the hydrogen produced by this method by cartridge with silicagel.

Another option is to decompose the Sodium_borohydride by a catalyst.


  • The ground station should have an option to reject the discharge in accordance with the configuration set by its owner.

To ensure the running of independent processes the use of ChibiOS/RT is a viable option.

Block diagram


  • The sensor of helium filling temperature - could be used to measure the temperature decrease during the expansion of helium from the pressure vessel
  • Cover opening detection
  • Humidity measurement in the box
  • The measurement of the current through burnable fuses - the NFET4X01B module has an analog output for each channel
  • Meteostation AWS01B for measurement of the basic meteorological variables
  • GPS01A - a time synchronisation, an absolute knowledge of the station position, the possibility to generate a DGPS correction
  • Balloon drag measurement
  • Gas flow into the balloon (by an orifice plate)

Weather balloon

A non-flying prototype of the balloon will be developed using MLAB modules.

ATmegaTQ3201A, SDcard01B, GPS01A

Technical specifications

GPS carried by the balloon should be kept in FIX state in order to avoid a delay while waiting for a fix. At the same time, there also exist doubts concerning the accuracy of the GPS in higher altitudes, where the deviation of the measured altitude from the actual one can reach hundreds of meters.

Communication (Telemetry data)

  • The primary objective is the measurement of the speed and direction of a wind at know points.
  • GPS data at 10Hz, text output NMEA
  • Other variables (like temperature, pressure, etc.) are optional.
  • Radio and audio beacon (?questionable)
  • Radio transmission of the telemetry in 27-450 MHz band: the possibility of using an unlicensed bands (SVN: VO-R-16, VO-R-10).

The GPS must by chosen to function correctly at higher altitudes as well.4).

Power supply during the flight

  • Lithium battery (does not generate heat, minimum operating temperature is -60°C)
  • Magnesium battery (generates heat to keep the electronics warm)
  • Stříbro-oxidový článek (withstands lower operating temperatures and is environmentally friendly
  • Ideal for use would be supercapacitors

The solution to the problem of low temperature at higher altitudes could involve the preheating of the balloon at startup.


  • Balloon - PE sack (packed in order to increase the lifetime - as rubber degrades over time) 5) Standard weather balloons parameters
  • An option to remotely disconnect the balloon from the sensor (to end the ascent)
  • A prototype filled with helium, mass-produced device by hydrogen (apart from lower price, the use of hydrogen is more environmentally friendly as well - helium released into the atmosphere is due to solar winds irretrievably blown away into the space. In addition to that, hydrogen can be produced by chemical reaction directly during the balloon filling).
  • Meeting the safety requirements


  • Data records from balloon gondola → microSD card

Blokové schéma

Legislativní požadavky

Pravidla pro lety volných balónů bez pilota jsou definovány v leteckých předpisech L-2 Pravidla létaní, dodatek 5 a R.

Kategorie balónu

Balón by měl spadat do kategorie B2, která je definována jako volný balón s objemem menším než 3,25 m^3, přičemž žádný z rozměrů balónu nepřekračuje 2 m. Rozměr 2 m je rozměr při jeho maximálním naplnění/roztažení.

Povolení vypuštění

Užitečné zatížení představují předměty a materiály, které by v případě střetu s letadlem mohly způsobit poškození letadla (zejména prskavky, svítící tyčinky, lámací světla, LED diody apod.) a jakékoliv zatížení o hmotnosti přesahující 0,1 kg. Vzhledem k této definici bude nutné mít pro provoz balónu povolení. Všechny informace ohledně letu (jako je datum, čas, místo vypuštění, užitečné zatížení atp.) musí být zveřejněny v Letecké informační příručce (AIP). Pro vypuštění ve zvláštních případech, jako je mimořádné pozorování, je potřeba upozornit prostřednictvím navigační výstrahy formou zprávy NOTAM, která se musí podat minimálně 24 hodin před vzletem balónu.


Balón nesmí být plněn hořlavými a výbušnými plyny s výjimkou povolení ÚCL. Omezení pro materiál antény ani baterií nejsou definovány. Materiál balónu také není definován, ale při použití balónu o vysoké svítivosti nebo zhotoveného z materiálů o velké světelné nebo radarové odrazivosti musí být oznámeno nejbližšímu stanovišti letových provozních služeb. Materiál (lano, provázek) spojující balón se sondou nesmí vydržet větší sílu než 230N.


Pro dostup nejsou omezení.

Místo vypuštění

Omezení se týká všech Zakázaných, Nebezpečných a Omezených prostorů, stejně jako dočasně aktivovaných prostorů v době jejich používaní, s výjimkou kdy tak povolí ÚCL nebo kdy je prostor vyhrazen pro let předmětného balónu. Provoz balónu blízko hranic a letišť je problematický, nedoporučuje se.

Řešení legislativních problémů

  • Navrhnout bezpečnou sondu, která splní požadavky ÚCL na bezpečnost letu.
  • Řídit stoupání a aktivně zabránit vzniku kolize. (Takový systém by mohl zároveň zjednodušit návrat sondy podobně jako zde )
  • Autodestrukce při hrozící srážce.

Řídící systém sítě

Konfigurace a řízení sítě by mělo být zajištěno univerzálním frameworkem pro distribuovaná měření.

en/abl.1375951084.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/08 08:38 (external edit)