Table of Contents
Constructions tested or realised with MLAB brick system
The following devices / construction were developed using MLAB modules and are now available as standard elements for further development.
Data loggers
- GPSRL - a geographical radiation detektor
- Galileo Experiment - an experiment with inertial navigation
- DOGFINDER - a movement logger
- GMCOUNT - a Geiger–Müller counter
- LuxmetrSD - a luxmeter logging the data on an SD card
Radioamateur constructions
Measuring devices
- Fluxgate magnetometer - a very sensitive magnetometer
- PIN fotodetektor - a measuring photodetector
- Time Interval Counter - a short time intervals counter
- LCTmetr01A - capacity, inductance and temperature meter
- Spectrograph - a spectrograph
- Radio Meteor Detector - an assembly for radio measurement of meteors
Robotic constructions mainly made of MLAB modules
- Robot Merkur - follows lines; made of Merkur kit
- Robot 3Orbis - follows lines; has three wheels
- Robot Camerus - follows lines; posses a camera
- Roboti DART - with photovoltaic power supply
- ABL01A - automatic balloon launcher
- Cutting automat
- Stripping automat for cables
- Crimping automat
- Scale
Other constructions
- CT01B - tester of solar cells
- MB01B - melodic bell
- Oscilloscope - oscilloscope
en/designs.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/01 13:45 by fluktuacia