This is an old revision of the document!
−Table of Contents
List of MLAB modules
You can find the most current list of modules at modules documentation page. To learn how to work with modules see manuals. There is also a TODO page with instructions how to proceed if you want to participate on MLAB development.
In order to use the modules with ease, there are many accessories available.
Modules generally designed to convert analogue signal to a digital one.
- I2CADC01A - 24-bit converter controlled via I2C interface
Modules of processors from Atmel company.
Drive control
Module especially suitable for PWM control of motors, inverters, dimming the light or other applications, where a digital control of performance in multiple channels is suitable.
Modules capable of basic common applications such as reading data from sensors, simple outputs or drives control, displaying data or communication with other processor modules or a parent PC.
- ATmega8DIL01A
- ATmegaTQ4401A
- ATmegaTQ6401A
Modules suitable especially for simple applications such as reading data from some of the analogue or digital sensors without their further processing. Therefore they are usually combined with communication interface modules.
- ATtinySO801A
- ATtinySO801B
These modules are suitable for more demanding applications, that have a high requirements for memory or computing power - such as control over robots.
- ATmegaTQ10001A
NGW100 - an adopted development kit from Atmel
Modules’ programmators
- ATprogISPUSB02A - ISP AVR programmator, connectable via USB
- STM32F10xRxT01A - a powerful module for ARM Cortex STM32.
- Hardkernel Odroid-X2 - a development board for ARM Cortex-A9.
One of the possibilities of how to program modules with ARM is to build a Versaloon programmator.
End amplifiers
NF audio amplifier with low power suitable for signalling the devices’ statuses.
- LM38601A - an audio amplifier suitable for headphones’ output
- MBA81001A - an amplifier suitable for reproductor's output
Codecs and audio generators
- AD1881A01A - an audio codec AC97 fit for generating an audio signal from a digital data stream
- S3AN01A - a module for Spartan 3AN
Modules for transfer of telemetry and small data flows in free bandwidths.
- RFM01SMD01A - a module fitted with a controlling and coding microcontroller - it thus enables a direct connection to the serial terminal
- RFM02SMD01A -
- RX336201A
- RX433MHz01A - a receiver for a free bandwidth 433MHz
- TXsaw433MHz01A - a digitally modulated transmitter for free bandwidth 433MHz
- ZIGBEE01A - a yet still unfinished module for ZigBee controller MC13213
- LNA01A - a low-noise preamplifier
- GB01A - a board-band amplifier (Gain Block)
- BP01A - a bandpass filter
- I2CHUB02A - a hub for I2C bus
- RS232SINGLE01A - a TTL to RS232 converter
- TTLCAN01A - a TTL to differential CAN bus converter
- TTLCAN01B - a TTL to differential CAN bus converter, newer version
- TTLRS48501A - a TTL to RS485 converter
- USB232R01B - a USB to RS232TTL converter
- USBIO01A - a high speed USB 2.0 interface
- ETH02A - an ethernet interface for CPU modules with an integrated driver
- SERVOHUB01A - a module designed to control several classical modelling servos from by microcontroller
- JTAGFT2232V02A - a J-tag programmator
- I2C232V01A - an I2C/UART converter
- I2CIO01A - I2C I/O expander
- I2CPWM01A - PWM controlled by I2C
- I2CSPI01A - a I²C to SPI converter
- USBI2C01A - an USB to I²C master converter
Further in this category, we prepare:
- ETH01A - a module for Ethernet 100 with a possibility of using PoE and MII interface
Various motor drivers mostly in a full bridge configuration. They enable a commutation and thus a bidirectional control of motors.
DC motors
- HB1FET01A - a powerful FET H-bridge for a very high powers in the range of 50V and 80A
- HB2FET01A - a non-functional construction. An experiment in controlling the FET switches by operational amplifiers
- HBRIDGE01A - a bridge with bipolar transistors for controlling DC commutator motors in small robots
- HBRIDGE01B - an H-bridge with a layout adjusted for better cooling
- HBRIDGE02A - it uses L6203 circuit
- HT675101A - H-bridges with integrated power transistors
- MPC17511HB01A
- MPC17529HB01A
- DRV8835HB01A - an integrated H-bridge 2 x 1.5 A or 1 x 3A
Stepper motors
- HBSTEP01A - bipolar stepper motors driver with a microstepping indexer
Multiphase motors
- 3PHBRIDGE01A - an H-bridge for driving of three-phase motors
- DIP8SW01A - 8 pieces of switches in row, can be used for digital configuration - LCD2L4P01A
- LCD2L4P02A - a module with lcd, buttons and a beeper
- LEDROBOT - a board with stabiliser and a set of LEDs for state indication
- LEDbar01A - a row of LEDs for displaying various values
- LEDbar02A
- TRIMQUAD01A - a module with 4 trimmers for an easy configuration of variables
- nanoterm01A - a module with LDC display for showing text information
- nanoterm02A
- RFdetect01A - an RF detector for measuring in frequency range 100 to 2000MHz
- TTLPROBE01A - a logic probe for indication of logical levels on digital outputs
- GPS01A - a moduls enabling a GPS signal reception. Communication interfaces I2C, USB, serial link
- OZdual01A - a module of a dual OpAmp in a DIL enclosure
- OZdual02A - a module of a dual OpAmp in a SO8 enclosure
- OZdual02B - an updated module of a dual OpAMp in a SO8 enclosure
- OZpower01A - a module of a power OpAmp with an output current up to 3A
- OZquad01B - a module of a quad OpAmp in a standar DIL enclosure
Microprocessor modules and programmators for a PIC Microchip
Processor modules for an universal use
- PIC16F84DIL1801A
- PIC16F84SO1801A
- PIC16F87xDIL2801A
- PIC16F87xSO2801A
Large number of ports
- PIC18F8x2001A
- PIC18F8xTQ8001A - Can be fitted with a PIC with Ethernet periphery
With USB connectivity
- PIC18F2550v01A
- PIC18F2550v02A
- PICPROGUSB02A - an USB programmator
- PICICD01A - a RS232 programmator
- PICPGR301A - a LPT programmator
Switching and control of power circuits.
- NFET2X01A - a double N-FET switch
- NFET2x2 - a switch module with two double power FETs in a SO8 enclosure
- NFET4X01A - a switch module with four N-FETs
- REL8SW01A - a module with a classic electromagnetic relay
- REL1SW01A - a module with one relay or a pair of NMOSFETs
- TRIACSHARP02A - a power opto triac switch for switching most of the appliances (??)
- PWMLED01A - controls the brightness of LED
These modules mostly modify the power supply in such a way that it is then suitable for connection to other modules.
- BATPOWER01A - modules enabling a power supply from rechargeable batteries
- LM108601A
- MC3406301A - an universal step-up inverter
- HVPS01A - a high-voltage power supply
- UNIPOWER01A - a power supply module
- LION1CELL01A - a module with an enclosure and a current limitation for a 3.6V Li-ion batteries of 18650 type
- LION2CELL01A - a module with a double enclosure and a current limitation for Li-ion batteries of 18650 type. The output voltage is 8.4V.
In this category we are further developing:
- a symetrical power supply (with a possibility of connceting more power supplies) (?? ) Symetrický napájecí zdroj (s možností vzájemného spojování více zdrojů)
- an adjustable laboratory power supply
Tato kategorie obsahuje návrhy modulů, které umožňují připojení speciálních čidel, která nelze připojit přímo. A nebo potřebují ještě další periferní elementy.
I²C nebo SMBus
- ISL2902001A - digitální luxmetr.
- THERMOPHILE01A - bezkontaktní snímání teploty.
- ALTIMET01A - Digitální snímač atmosférického tlaku.
- SHT25V01A - přesný digitální I2C senzor relativní vlhkosti a teploty.
- IMU01A - digitální tří osý akcelerometr a gyroskop (I2C rozhraní).
- LTS01A - digitální senzor teploty -40 °C - 105 °C (I2C rozhraní).
- ALTIMET01A - Digitální snímač atmosférického tlaku.
- MAG01A - magnetometr vhodný pro použití jako digitální kompas pro navigaci.
LOG output
- R1S01A - detekce značek / otáček kola.
- IRFEE01A - detekce překážky.
Většinou starší modely snímačů s analogovým výstupem
- MMA6260 - akcelerometr
- GSENSE01A - měření zrychlení ve 3 osách.
- RGBFEE01A - detekce barvy povrchu.
- HUM01A - analogové čidlo relativní vlhkosti vzduchu.
- IUC01A - Snímání proudu v obvodu.
V této kategorii se dále připravuje:
- Kapacitní snímač
- Detekce plynů 02, CO2, N2
- Spektrometrické polovodičové čidlo pro ionizující záření
- Sonar
Podrobnější informace viz stránka TODO.
Obvody pro převod signálů mezi různými napěťovými úrovněmi.
- TTLPECL01A - Převod mezi TTL a PECL.
- VLT01A - Převod mezi TTL nebo CMOS o různých napěťových úrovních.
- INPUTUNI01A - Univerzální vstupní modul s ochranou proti přepětí.
- UNIDIL1601A - patice pro integrované obvody v pouzdru DIL.
- UNIUNI01A - pájitelné univerzální pole
- BASE162101A - základní nosná deska stavebnice MLAB.
- UNIBOX01 - Univerzální kovová krabička nejenom pro konstrukce vytvořené ze stavebnice MLAB.