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MLAB software development tasks

Distributed network measurement system

The network is intened for collection and distribution of measurements recorded on amateur volunteer stations. The resulting data are publicly available for analysis.

Considered data inputs (network nodes)

  • Meteorological data from stations AWS01B
  • Radio meteor detection stations RMDS01A - Radio Observer
  • Video meteor detection stations VMDS01A
  • Data reported by accidental observers - Meteor Observer
  • Seismic / infrasonic measurements (meteor impacts, explosions, …)
  • Radio telescopes
  • Parallel observations from several astronomy sites
  • Geomagnetic measurements
  • SID monitors
  • FRB monitors
  • GRB monitors
  • Network for lightning detection
  • Measurement and coordination network nodes Automatických balónových sond
  • Nodes acting as data storage, or performing some calculations on the data (data mining servers)

Each node as part of a network will be operated by the observational application (eg, radio-observer, Meteor Observer, Visual Observer, etc.) in cooperation with a daemon that will handle communication with the rest of the network and data distribution. Daemon should therefore have an interface or filesystem in which data measuring application should store data. Station-supervisor daemon then solve optimal data distribution between data servers.

System Properties

  1. Measuring network should be able to send short informational messages with low data volume as alert of special events. For example, in the case of Fireball Network a bolide detection which is expected to impact to the earth. In this case we need to measure other data on the atmosphere, such as wind direction at different heights.
  2. The station should be configurable through a web interface on the central measuring project server. (Similary to Boinc BAM!)
  3. Central data data should have an API that would allow programming of other applications that use measured data (for live outputs in observatories and planetariums, or for educational purposes)
  4. An important parameter of the network is that data from individual stations were available at one time (with the least time scatter) in order to perform live calculations on the inter-station data.

The hardware implementation

Computing power

Measuring stations should be equipped with basic computing hardware architecture based on ARM specifically a multi-core ARM computer. The detection will take place at the stations already existing structures usually see the list of network nodes which will be connected to ARM computer.

Network connectivity

Parameters of network connectivity depends on the specific measurements ongoing at the station. The preferred option but will connection to ethernet. Alternatively wifi connection to the local network and then to the Internet. In some cases, remote stations and measurement that are not required large data flows can also consider using GSM network.

Time synchronization

Accuracy requirements for the station time again depends on the type of measurement. In the case of stations connected to the network via Ethernet, it is possible to use time synchronization based on NTP or PTP. Isolated stations with poor connectivity are then dependent on the use of GSNSS, as the time source. This issue is further elaborated on the page of time synchronization.

Software implementation

The network management would be advantageous to use the system to control robots ROS, or any system designed for control [|robotics telescopes]].

Data Processing

Using ROOT or IPython

Generating secondary outputs

The measured data of the stations should be distributed to networks specialized for processing certain types of data. (RMOB for example). List of currently available specialized networks follows.

Meteorological data

In the case of meteorological data are available, for example the following networks:

Radio meteor observations

Data should be processed into colorgramm graph and forwarded to the network rmob. The current our version of software enabling the generation of appropriate outputs is or Githubu.

System stations administration

Registration of individual stations and user management should be implemented into the currently existing web interface project Astrozor.

Each station would then authenticate into the system with its private key. Which would be generated either by the server based on the user registration to the system, or directly to a user who would put his public key available to the network.

Measurement data storage and archive

The measured data are primarily backed by the station (on the data node). Each station will send data in to decentralized repository which includes a central cache server - this server will at all time contains most of the data available (or can only provide a link between the data storage node with archival data and user requesting the data), the server has not guaranteed availability at every moment. The primary purpose of a central cache server is to provide data access to other users on the Internet (HTTP), who are not members of the data network but need to download them for further processing or viewing.

Distributed measuring system network

The first step towards decentralized data storage will be the implementation of a centralized server which will receive station data directly (FTP, SSH / Rsync). With the gradual development of software tools enabling decentralization of data, data nodes will be added to which the station will be able to write.

Later the management of large volume of data will be handled exclusively in a distributed storage that will act also as part of the network. Data would therefore have redundancy based on division among multiple users, whose improve available data capacity and also data throughput. The data could then be exchanged between nodes by P2P technology, or other existing distributed data storage system.

Decentralized organization such storage solution would be to split the data into the repository with its asymmetric cipher. Metadata about the content repository (including checksums) would be signed with the private key, which would be owned by its author. The public key or its hash, would serve to uniquely identify the repository.

Data Visualization

Web Interface

Head echo meteor marking in the web browser. It should be done by clicking on the preview image generated by the server from recorded data. (It should marked as straight line across of Doppler shifted reflection. Marking Doppler reflection is needed in order to measure the time shift.).

Marking would be carried out by volunteers processors. Similarly, as in the project SETILive.

Radio records replaying

Live waterfall and audio output generated in HTML5 webpage. (Similar solution is GlobalTuners or WebSDR). This way of viewing would start after opening the RAW recording link of the detected radio signal.

Display of meteorological data

Record of the wind direction should be combined with the speed and displayed in 3D, as the deformation of the cylindrical surfaces.

A similar solution has a project display options time courses for visual analysis

FITS rendering

Ideally, Fits viewer would be a part of website and parameters could be set by scrolling bars in the browser. HTML5 would resolve data rendering. For example, setting the color palette, or composing of FITS to a film strip.

Existing Web browser FITS: jsFITS

The second possibility is to generate a preview by scripting on the server and erasing the oldest unused files (from the limited data space),

Local Data Viewer

It should contain a computationally intensive functions that can not be handled a web browser.

Viewing image based recordings

Visualization system for multi-station experiments, where it would be possible to view the recorded data from multiple stations at once. Several windows with different data sets which could be deployed to screens of the viewer's workplace. Each browser window as separate, but it would have tied the slider, like tools designed for comparing files.

Further improvement could be to use OpenGL for rendering textures of large images.

Current FITS viewers
Multi parametric data viewers

A client application to download and special display data from measurement projects.

Known projects with a similar goal

Visual Observer

Pozorovací aplikace učená ke zpracování obrazu na místo obvyklého vizuálního pozorovatele. Umožňuje paralelní zpracování obrazu z více kamer.

Paralelní astronomická pozorování

Příkladem takového pozorování je například fotometrie, nebo sledování asteroidů a komet.

Video pozorování meteorů

Data budou získávána ze stanice VMDS01A. Problémem v tomto případě je hledání meteorických stop v obrazových datech. A interpretace stopy meteoru (detekce výbuchů, zákryty oblačností, pohasnutí při průletu atd.) Následně mohou být na stopě měřeny její geometrické vlastnosti. Za účelem výpočtu dráhy.


  • Konstrukce vlastní kamery založené na OPSA01A
  • Eliminace časovače pro vypínání kamer přes den. (Vypínat pouze v případě ohrožení čipu)
  • Časová synchronizace jednotlivých kamer na stanici i mezi jednotlivými stanicemi.

Meteo observer

Obslužný měřící program meteorologické stanice AWS případně i jiné. Meteorologická data z jednotlivých stanic budou pomocí lokálního klienta databáze ukládána do výše popsaného univerzálního úložiště společně s ostatními daty z jiných projektů.

Integrovaný SDR přijímač

Přijímač integrovaný v krabici UNIBOX01


Doplnění identifikace na hvezdarnach:

  1. Moznost pouzit identifikacni karty
  2. Identifikovat uzivatele na hvezdarne na zaklade informaci o mobilnim telefonu IMEI, IP MAC, Bluetooth MAC (sparovani s bluetooth).
  3. Na pozorovacim miste by bylo zarizeni, ktere tyto informace bude ziskavat.

Další náměty a chyby jsou k dispozici přímo na Astrozoru

Meteogramy pro astronomy

Generování pohledu na oblačnost na obloze z určitého pozorovacího místa. Meteogram v podobě videa by mohl zobrazovat i časový vývoj oblačnosti.

Pro některé případy by stačila jenom koncentrace absolutní vlhkosti. A nebo intenzita pohybu mas vzduchu s různou hustotou, které pak vytváří seeing. Vypocet z modelu NMM nebo WRF.

Výsledek tohoto výpočtu by se dal použít pro plánování pozorování.

Realizační prostředky


Projekt je realizován týmem několika studentů ČVUT, VUT a členů Robozor:

  • Bc. Marián Šuch - Vizualizace a příprava systému distribuce dat
  • Bc. Radka Škvařilová - Vizuální detekce meteorů
  • Martin Povišer - Digitalizace signálu a decentralizace úložiště
  • Bc. Jan Milík - Rádiová detekce meteorů
  • Bc. Jakub Kákona - Organizace a architektura projektu

Podpora projektu

Projekt byl podpořen z fondu ESA projektem ESA Summer of Code 2013.

Většina hardwarových součástí projektu je pořízena z prostředků firmy Universal Scientific Technologies s.r.o. Universal Scientific Technologies s.r.o.


en/programming_tasks.1404504572.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/04 20:09 (external edit)